Primary 3 had a great time at their Christmas Party! Merry Christmas!
Primary 3 had a great time at their Christmas Party! Merry Christmas!
Primary 3 look amazing for their concert performances! Mele Kalikimaka!
In Structured Writing we have been learning about the key features of a Fairytale. We re-wrote a few traditional Fairytales first then ended with creating our very own. In ICT we then used an avatar website to design our good and bad characters. Here were are creating and experimenting with the characters.
We have been studying scientific news and in particular news related to extreme weather. We decided to create a news report on a chosen extreme weather condition. We perfomed it to our peers and we even made props.
We have been studying Scottish Inventors and have learned about Alexander Graham Bell. He invented the telephone. We made our own telephones. Here we are modelling them.
This week is National Maths week. Here are a selection of our activities in Maths and what we are learning!
We are playing bounce the tables!
We are working on dividing by 5!
We are dividing TU by 2!
We hope you are enjoying the Blog. There will be more to come next session as the Blog follows the class through their time at Cross Arthurlie.
Primary 2/1 have been working hard during their literacy lessons to learn new skills and challenge themselves.
When reading Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted they were learning about characterisation. The pupils worked in groups to describe Tiresome Ted at the beginning, middle and the end of the story.
They then acted out the story using their knowledge of the characters to add expression to the characters.
Finally they worked in groups to write a character description of both Tiresome Ted and Katie Morag.
They went out into the playground to explore more about the shapes which have right angles.
With different activities to investigate angles they were able to share their knowledge with their group and transfer their understanding of right angles across different materials.
Using the sticks to make a right angle.
Working together in teams the pupils used their bodies to make right angles.
Also using our legs and arms to make right angles.
The fence came in handy when making angles.
The children also used white boards to draw shapes they found in the playground.
They used cubes to check the sticks were at right angles.