In maths we have been working on direction and we have been using the new blue-bots. We have to use the i-pad to direct the blu-bot to where he is supposed to be! We had good fun!
In maths we have been working on direction and we have been using the new blue-bots. We have to use the i-pad to direct the blu-bot to where he is supposed to be! We had good fun!
We had a great day at Sports Day. We all tried really hard and earned points for our team. The sun was shining too which was great!
Primary 3/1 had a great afternoon at the carnival! Best way to start the holiday weekend!
In Science we have discovered what the differences are between a solid,liquid and a gas, and that is possible change the state of them . We wanted to experiment with this concept so we decided to focus on dissolving and chose jelly as our solid.
We had 4 different experiments:
1. Hot water and a jelly cube
2. Cold water and a jelly cube
3. Hot water and a cut up jelly cube
4. Cold water and a cut up jelly cube
Can you guess which one dissolved the best?
We have been learning about farming and crops! We looked at wheat and the journey that it makes from the crop to bread. We tried to make our own bread.
We have developed the skills of spreading, grating, sprinkling and chopping. We made pizza and a fruit salad and really enjoyed eating it all
Our parents and careers visited us for our Open Afternoon. They helped us to make a Roman Shields using pasta and paint to create interesting patterns. They are now on display outside our classroom as they look so good!
We were one of only three classes who completed the Daily Mile every day for the the ‘Run a marathon’ competition. We won an extra break which was great fun!!!!
Our new topic for this term is The Romans. We have been learning lots of interesting information from the past. We made Roman crowns out of paper. We hope you like them!
We have started a block of Gymnastics this term. We are developing our ability to balance, jump, roll and climb. We are using a range of equipment and the firm favourite is the climbing frame!