Number Systems

We investigated number systems in history. The three we found the most interesting were Egyptian, Babylonian and Mayan.  In teams we had to put together a jigsaw of each number system and work out what the symbols would be in our number system.

Once we worked out each number system we had a go at some simple adding and subtracting calculations using the different number systems.  I think we are all happy we use 1,2,3 and 4 😅.

Remembrance Day

Alfie shared the story of his very brave papa who was part of World   War  2. We looked at the three medals his papa had been awarded for his bravery in Africa and Italy during WW2. We remembered all the brave people that helped protect others.

🦠 Germs🦠

We have explored germs and discovered there are four types such as bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa.  We know germs are tiny organisms, or living things that can cause disease.  Germs are so small and sneaky that they creep into our bodies without being noticed.  We investigated how germs are spread and how we can prevent this.

We also investigated and observed the growth of germs covering bread. We used three slices of bread.  One was passed around the class and we all touched it. The other was passed around after we washed our hands and the third was not touched by human hands.  We are still monitoring the growth of the germs.


We also used water beads to show how germs multiply and cover a large area.



After researching germs and how to protect ourselves we created fun board games using all our knowledge. We are going to visit Primary 1 to share our learning and help teach others to wash their hands properly.



Linking technology to mathematics.

We collected data on the electrical appliances used in homes in 1989 and compared that to homes in 2019. Using this data we carefully split a circle into the correct number of appliances in total and produced a pie chart.  We applied our knowledge of Excel to input the data on to a spreadsheet to make a pie chart.


Over the last few weeks we have investigated how energy can be produced and how it travels from power plants to our homes.  We looked at sustainable and non sustainable methods of generating power. The class was split into two groups one researching the pros and cons of energy produced by coal and oil and the other group researching the pros and cons of solar, hydro and wind power. Each group applied the skill of persuasive  writing to encourage me to buy their power. We had a lively debate!

Linking our electricity topic to mathematics and technology we collected data on the electricity wastage in school, to create a bar graph using  Excel. We then  researched the different  energy plants in Scotland and used our findings to create a pictogram using Microsoft Word.

The next part of our topic was understanding how a current can travel around a circuit.  We worked on making circuits using buzzers, bulbs, batteries and motors.  We then copied down our circuits using the correct symbols.

After all this researching we thought it was important to create a poster demonstrating the dangers of electricity.  We used a Microsoft Word document to insert shapes, format the colour, wrap the image and insert online pictures.

We used the website to help with our research.

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