⭐Literacy ⭐
The Storm ☔ Chapter 1
We are going to discuss chapter 1 and give reasons for our views. We will explore the characters and think about how the author is using settings to create different feelings and moods. Today I would like you to read chapter one, I have attached images of each page.
In your literacy book I would like you to draw a picture of where Annie lives. Does this remind you of any place you know? How does Annie feel about her home?
If you would like to upload a picture of your drawing please share. Type up your answers to the questions on the attached Jamboard on Google Classroom or in your literary journal 📔.
✍Handwriting Target✍
Today we will be practising joining the letters h to o and l to a.
You can use you finger to trace over the attached image or trace the words in sand, glitter ✨, the back of your hand. You can choose to practise the joins in a different way. Share how you did this on our class. After lots of practising use your literacy jotter to copy the first 4 lines. Remember finger spaces, writing on the line and taking your time. As I always say it’s not a race. 😃
⭐⭐Maths Targets⭐⭐
Using the warm up PowerPoint from Monday please complete slide 7 and 8 attached to our Google Classroom.
You could also practise your multiplication using the link
💯Triangle Group💯
You are working on matching digits to number words for 3 digit numbers. complete page attached below. Yellow heading 3 digit numbers.
💯Squares and Circle Group💯
You are working on Equal to or not equal to. Are the two sides of the equation (calculation) balanced. Please complete the attached image. Green heading equal = or not equal.