P7 have started coding the microbits. They are coding. They have coded for games and a love heart! Bit late for Valentine’s Day though!
P7 have started coding the microbits. They are coding. They have coded for games and a love heart! Bit late for Valentine’s Day though!
Today we had a visit from Miss Brown a Music teacher from Barrhead High. Miss Brown taught us how to identify how many beats are in a bar. She used members of our class to illustrate this point. We also had the opportunity to take part in some body percussion. Take a look at our video below.
Primary 7 have been having visits to our local library to encourage everyone to regularly read for pleasure. We’ve also been having dedicated reading time each day in class.
Children are using coding to make the Spheros draw a square! The beginning of robotics!
We have been learning about the respiratory system. One of the worst things you can do to your lungs is smoking. It stops Oxygen getting to your blood, creates a build up of tar and can cause cancer.
Look at our eye catching posters to warn people of the dangers.
Today the children were using their coding skills to program Spheros. Only the first day so we’ll be looking more into the scratch style coding next week! Today went wild with driving them around!
On Wednesday we had our first gymnastics lesson of the term. We have a number of talented gymnasts in our class who demonstrated their skills to the class. During our lesson we worked on balances and rolls.
A wee Monday trip to the library to look at some books we can check out.
This week we’re making bridges using our previous knowledge of construction with Kinects and Lego. There is a twist thought! We are only given a limited amount of material and the material is quite brittle. You guessed it! We are using spaghetti.
Here’s how we did!
Primary 7 got into the Christmas spirit playing lots of traditional games at our party on Monday! We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!