Primary 4 was taken over by Red Eyed Tree Frogs today. It’s beginning to look like the Amazon Rainforest in room 8. Keep checking in to see the end result of our classroom’s transformation.
Primary 4 was taken over by Red Eyed Tree Frogs today. It’s beginning to look like the Amazon Rainforest in room 8. Keep checking in to see the end result of our classroom’s transformation.
Today we researched the Blue Morpho Butterfly. All our facts are now on a Google Jamboard on our Google Classroom.
We enjoyed making the bright blue and brown and black sides of the butterfly.
We are all ready for our performance!
Today we shared our learning using Google Jamboard for the first time. Looking at all the notes we have definitely been learning a lot about the layers of the Amazon Rainforest.
Today we used the virtual reality headsets to visit a few different rainforest located around the equator. We will soon be deciding which rainforest to investigate. We will be comparing daily life, animals and insects in the rainforest to Scotland.
Have a look at what’s going on inside our head! We are all special and unique.
Sometimes we just make up our own learning targets!
Today we planted some crocuses.
Alfie shared the story of his very brave papa who was part of World War 2. We looked at the three medals his papa had been awarded for his bravery in Africa and Italy during WW2. We remembered all the brave people that helped protect others.