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🎯Learning Targets Tuesday 24th March🎯

HI 👋 Primary 4/1 here are the targets for Tuesday.  If you didn’t get a chance to complete Monday’s target they are still on the class blog and Google Classroom.😊

⭐⭐Technology Target⭐⭐

Last week we were exploring coding with Spheros and Dot and Dash in class.
Continue to explore coding using the create function in the scratch website.

⭐⭐Literacy Targets⭐⭐

Today we are going to work on your listening skills. Carefully watch and listen to all the interesting facts on Newsround. Then I would like you to create a mind map in your literacy jotter. if you can take a photo, I would like you to post it and I can see it on our Google Class. If not I will see it when you come back to school.

⭐⭐Comprehension Targets⭐⭐

Red and Blue Group          The Lion And The 🐭 Mouse page 40 and 41
Purple and Green Group   Silly Old Fox 🦊 page 26 and 27
Read the text and answer the questions in your literacy jotter. Remember to skim read the text first, then read each question to find clue words. Last scan the text like a detective to identify those clues. Some questions will be literal so the answer is in the text and other will be inferential. You will need to think about it and use your previous knowledge


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⭐⭐Maths Targets⭐⭐

Please use a calculator to mark Monday night mental maths.
Ask an adult to help mark your questions.

Over the last few weeks we have been working on HTU and function machines. This task is not new learning.

🎯Squares and Circle Group
You are working on function machines and identifying the input and output. Please complete the attached image. Green heading function machines.


Displaying image.jpg

🎯Triangle Group
You are working on identifying which digits in a number mean hundreds, tens and units and can use this to put numbers in order. Please complete page attached below. Yellow heading Hundreds, Tens and Units.

Displaying image.jpg


🇫🇷French Target🇫🇷

You have been learning to say lots of different animal names in French over the last few weeks.
Try and teach your parents some of these words.
You could use the voice type function on a Google Doc to practise each word.

The links to YouTube are not linking well at the moment.  We are working on this.
Thanks Miss Galloway 😀

🎯Monday 23.3.20 Learning Targets🎯

Hi Primary 4/1

Until I hear from everyone in our class, I will post a short plan of each day on our class blog. Once I know everyone is accessing the Google Class successfully I will stop posting here.

As this is just a blog and open for everyone to see there will be limited  content.  I will put up as much as I can to help guide your day.

Monday Targets

Literacy:  Using the Google Doc attached to our Google Class I would like you to use all your VCOP skills to write a few paragraphs about your weekend. Remember V for ambitious vocabulary, C for great connectives, O for different sentence openers and P for punctuation. Remember in the Tools option you can use Voice Record function to help with your spelling.
I have attached the VCOP posters we usually have in our real classroom.

As we are going to be doing lots of learning online, I think it is important to remember how to stay safe online.
Please read the attached  books and share your thoughts on how Digi Duck stayed safe and used the internet responsibly.
Use the attached Jamboard on Google Class.

Use the following link

Please copy your spelling words into your homework jotters.
Continue to practise your spelling words using the different strategies at the front of your jotters.





Squares and Circle 

Complete pages 32 and 33 in your maths Jotter.
We are learning to multiply two digit numbers. I have also attached your mental maths for the week.


We are learning to Read number digits and words to 1000.
Complete pages 23 and 24 in your maths jotter. I have attached your mental maths for the week.

OK Primary 4 let’s get moving! On a Monday we usually have PE so today we are going to do PE with Joe on YouTube.

Follow the link on Youtube  for the session. It starts at 09:00.

Learning From Home

Hi Primary 4/1

Our Google Classroom has been up and running since August, so we are ready for learning at home. Just in case anyone is having problems I sent home lots of information in your learning packs.

For logging on to Google Classroom you may require our class code. These are inside  the home learning packs. You may also require your Glow login email. Your glow login is a username starting with gw.

Your should know this by heart as we use this everyday. I also sent it home a second copy of the children’s  Education City login and Sumdog Login.

If it asks for your glow email, this is your glow username followed by NOT as is written in your home learning pack. This is incorrect and will not work. For example

To access Google Classroom you have two options:

1. Go to the Glow Login website. Use your ‘gw’ login. Scroll down and select the app for Google Classroom.

2. Download the Google Classroom App on your smartphone/ tablet/ iPad. Use our class login code or your ‘gw’ email to access our classroom.

I cannot post the class code on here for security reasons. Please share with families in our class to help us work together.

Miss Galloway

Digi Duck

Today Primary 1 and 4 enjoyed reading the book Digi 🦆 Duck.  We explored that you have to be very careful when you are using the internet. You can’t always be sure who you are talking to. The lesson we learnt today was… never share your personal information online. You should always tell a trusted adult if something makes you unhappy or unsure when you are online.
Primary 1 and 2 now have Digi Duck posters in their class to help them remember not to share personal information.

Sentence Of The Day

We have started using a sentence of the day to practise and apply our skills in grammar and punctuation.

We  analyse the sentence to identify verbs, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives and connectives. Then we up level the sentence by using our VCOP strategies. This gives us daily input on all the skills we have learnt in Primary 4.

Architects Of The Future

Today we applied our designing and building skills. We used our knowledge of 3D shapes to design the layout of the new nursery building. We enjoyed looking at the plans and now understand what it means to be an architect. In term 3 we will be working with the building company to explore materials and sustainable ways to build new structures.

Crime Scene👣🕵🏽‍♂️🕵🏾‍♀️

Today we were learning to make an inference . We combined our previous knowledge and the evidence from the crime scene to suggest a possible explanation.
We used the clues from the scene and believe Mr Cummings was practising his XA factor routine and accidentally knocked over the bin. We know it was a man because the footprints were 👣 very big.

The wig and glasses looked like part of a costume and the duster was  used to clean the class. Another clue it was Mr Cummings.