All posts by gw18mitchellgrant@glow

Link to China!

Today the P7s are sharing their knowledge of Chinese with students from China. We were able to share their posters and the children from China told us some stories in English. They also shared some tradition food and showed us how they made it.


Chromosomes and why we look similar to our parents.

P7 are learning about inheritance and what makes us look like our parents. We used a fictitious creature known as a Reebop to explain how chromosomes carry characteristics but also create variation. The paper strips were the chromosomes and had “coding” on them.

We understand that we get one chromosome from our mother and one from our father meaning we look similar but not exactly like our parents.

Day five!!!!!

Homeward bound! The children have had a great time but also look forward to coming home. They have one more activity to do… well actually two.

They have to clean their rooms! See parents and carers!
They do know how to clean! Photo evidence so there can be no more excuses!

Day 4!!!!

Seems like we have only just begun this adventure and it’s almost over! Never the less it’s onwards and upwards!… unless you are abseiling then it’s downwards.

We hope you have enjoyed looking at our photos as much as we enjoyed our adventure, but let’s face it… you haven’t! It’s been a blast and the disco marks the last night. One more activity and then it’s back to Barrhead!

Let’s not forget the disco!

Day 3!!!

You would have though tiredness would have set in by now but couldn’t be further from the truth! The fun keeps coming. We have some new activities to report. We have some rock climbing and and wee night line blind fold activity! We still have 2 more days!