All posts by Miss Galloway

Endangered Animals of the Rainforest

Over the last few weeks we have been investigating the impact of deforestation on the animals of the Amazon Rainforest.  We researched the sloth, jaguar and the toucan.  We were so sad about what is happening in the Amazon Rainforest we decided to design some informative posters to share our knowledge and encourage others to think about how we can change the world.


🎄A Digital Christmas 🎄

Today we designed Christmas trees and a new coffee cup holder for Starbucks.

We used the app quiver to make our designs come to life. Have a little look.


We also designed Christmas jumpers using blinkies clips on YouTube.


Rainforest Statistics

During our investigation of different rainforest around the equator we have researched temperatures and rainfall.

We have carefully analysed and created bar graphs, pie charts, pictograms and line graphs.  Have a look at us in data handlings action.


Rainforest Continues

Today we researched how the poisoned dart frog🐸 has adapted to living in the Amazon Rainforest. We created a line drawing and used very bright colours to make poisoned dart frogs for our class.  We discovered they are very poisonous and if an animal tries to eat the frog it will die.  The only creature immune to the poison is a snake.


We we also created symmetrical lizards to live on the forest floor of our rainforest.