All posts by Miss Galloway

Sentence Of The Day

We have started using a sentence of the day to practise and apply our skills in grammar and punctuation.

We  analyse the sentence to identify verbs, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives and connectives. Then we up level the sentence by using our VCOP strategies. This gives us daily input on all the skills we have learnt in Primary 4.

Architects Of The Future

Today we applied our designing and building skills. We used our knowledge of 3D shapes to design the layout of the new nursery building. We enjoyed looking at the plans and now understand what it means to be an architect. In term 3 we will be working with the building company to explore materials and sustainable ways to build new structures.

Crime Scene👣🕵🏽‍♂️🕵🏾‍♀️

Today we were learning to make an inference . We combined our previous knowledge and the evidence from the crime scene to suggest a possible explanation.
We used the clues from the scene and believe Mr Cummings was practising his XA factor routine and accidentally knocked over the bin. We know it was a man because the footprints were 👣 very big.

The wig and glasses looked like part of a costume and the duster was  used to clean the class. Another clue it was Mr Cummings.

Read Aloud Challenge

Read aloud is a month of events to celebrate learners and encourage awareness of the fun to be had from reading with children. The event celebrates not only the benefits of being able to read but also the efforts and achievements of Reading Recovery teachers and their pupils.
Starting on the 21st of February we had a challenge to get caught reading as often as possible. So far we have been caught reading in the class QR area, audio reading area, the class library and the library at the Foundry.