Tag Rugby 🏉

This term in P.E, we have been learning about possession games. We have really impressed with our skills in basketball and now we are learning about rugby.

We have learned about the rules of rugby and watched some action-packed highlights from the recent Six Nations. We saw for ourselves how fast-paced and physical it could be. In school, we play tag rugby which is a non-contact version of rugby that everyone can participate in. We learned how to wear our tag rugby belts and put the skills we had been learning into action in some 5v5 games.

We now know we can run forward with the ball, low kick the ball forward, and pass the ball backward only. It takes a lot of teamwork and communication to play tag rugby. It was so exciting watching the attacking team trying to score a try whilst our defense team tried to not let them past. Very impressed with P6.1’s quick learning and enthusiasm over the last few weeks. We look forward to another game next week. 🏉