We have been busy in our STEM corner this term! STEM means Science, Technologies, Engineering and Maths.

We are exploring how STEM involves collaboration, communication, research, problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity. These are skills that we need to be successful in today’s world, regardless of our interests or career goals.

Lovebug Sewing Project

To mark Valentines Day, we created these adorable Lovebugs by sewing felt together with a running stitch. We filled them with stuffing and added googly eyes. We were very patient when sewing and worked carefully when cutting the felt. ❤

KAPLA Building Blocks 

The 11th February was International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022 which was the perfect day to give our new KAPLA blocks a go!

We started by exploring influential women in science and the impact they have made. We have been discussing diversity, including gender equality, in Health and Wellbeing and linking it to the Global Goals.

We then all had a go at a build. Everyone had a great time and it allowed for loads of discussion, both about the build and careers in STEM. We were so creative and proud of our builds!

Maths NRich Projects

We continue to apply our Maths skills into a variety of problems and projects. We explored cubed numbers by building them with interlinking cubes and looking for a pattern. This introduced the formula that we used for volume V = l x b x h because when we multiplied the number of cubes on each edge, it was the number of cubes used to make each cube. (E.g. 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 cubes)

Engineering Week

We have been exploring what ‘engineering’ means and the variety of careers you can do. We learned about famous and influential Victorian engineers and inventors as part of our Social Studies topic. We also designed our own inventions as part of a Dragons Den challenge!

To celebrate the Winter Olympics 2022 in Beijing, we built some speedy skiers. On our devices, we watched videos of Olympic skiers to give us ideas for what posture was the most aerodynamic. We raced them down ramps to test our designs!