🎯Monday 23.3.20 Learning Targets🎯

Hi Primary 4/1

Until I hear from everyone in our class, I will post a short plan of each day on our class blog. Once I know everyone is accessing the Google Class successfully I will stop posting here.

As this is just a blog and open for everyone to see there will be limited  content.  I will put up as much as I can to help guide your day.

Monday Targets

Literacy:  Using the Google Doc attached to our Google Class I would like you to use all your VCOP skills to write a few paragraphs about your weekend. Remember V for ambitious vocabulary, C for great connectives, O for different sentence openers and P for punctuation. Remember in the Tools option you can use Voice Record function to help with your spelling.
I have attached the VCOP posters we usually have in our real classroom.

As we are going to be doing lots of learning online, I think it is important to remember how to stay safe online.
Please read the attached  books and share your thoughts on how Digi Duck stayed safe and used the internet responsibly.
Use the attached Jamboard on Google Class.

Use the following link    https://www.childnet.com/resources/digiduck-stories/digiducks-big-decision/digiducks-big-decision-ebook

Please copy your spelling words into your homework jotters.
Continue to practise your spelling words using the different strategies at the front of your jotters.





Squares and Circle 

Complete pages 32 and 33 in your maths Jotter.
We are learning to multiply two digit numbers. I have also attached your mental maths for the week.


We are learning to Read number digits and words to 1000.
Complete pages 23 and 24 in your maths jotter. I have attached your mental maths for the week.

OK Primary 4 let’s get moving! On a Monday we usually have PE so today we are going to do PE with Joe on YouTube.

Follow the link on Youtube  for the session. It starts at 09:00.