All posts by Miss Joiner

Wednesday 25th

Welcome to Wednesday! 🌞

Here is your task board for today.
I love seeing all your work from home! Keep reading all the instructions and remember you can see all the answers posted at 1pm to self-assess.
Make sure you are pressing the “Hand in” button at the side of your work to show me you have completed this.

What have you enjoyed the most on Google Classroom so far? ⭐

Literacy – Grammar

Revise contractions – words that have been made smaller by missing out letters and adding an apostrophe.

Complete both grammar pages in your jotter.
Play any of the games from the link below for further revision.


Numeracy – Group 1 and 2 – Weight

WALT to calculate weight in kilograms to grams.
– solve problems using our knowledge of weight
– apply knowledge of the 4 operations to solve weight problems.
– Convert measurements of weight from kg to g: 1250g = 1 1/4kg

Read Learning Intention and Success Criteria above.
Complete the worksheet into your jotters.

Be careful when reading the scales if they are in g or kg.
Convert the weights into the same units of measurement.
eg. 2kg, 3kg and 2300g – change the g in to kg to make questions easier.

Self-mark your work once your have finished. Answers will be posted later in the day

Group 3 – Subtraction

WALT: subtract two-digit from two-digit number with regrouping.
– record subtraction calculations vertically using knowledge of place value
-exchange tens for units using concrete materials
-estimate before calculating and check answer against your estimate

Watch this video:
Read through the PowerPoint ‘Column Subtraction Exchange’ for help with how to do this.
Complete the ‘2-digit subtraction with some regrouping’ work.
Choose three of the ‘subtraction word problems’ to work out. Look for the one with your name in it😊.

To finish: create your own subtraction word problem and post it on the class for your friends. You can try solving one of theirs too.


I know you have all loved the French cafe topic so here is a fun quiz!
How much can you remember!?



Good morning Primary 5! 🌞

Here is your task board for today. Remember to press MARK AS DONE on any assignments you complete to show me you are finished.

⭐ You are free to do the daily tasks that are posted in any order you like.

⭐ Try to keep your homework routine going. This is good revision that we are used to doing.

⭐ I will be here from 9am until 1.30pm to answer any more questions you have or just for a chat!

⭐I saw some great work yesterday with good questions. Remember our internet safety knowledge, nice and supportive comments to encourage each other.

⭐There are lots of games that you can return to as many times as you like. Check them out in the CLASSWORK tab, numeracy games.

⭐I have set up a Sumdog challenge for you all to try complete. Good luck! 👍

Hope you have fun! Looking forward to seeing all the Lego challenges that you complete.!!

David Walliams Audiobook:

Spring Comprehension

Math: Group 1 and 2

WALT to convert weight from kilograms to grams.
– State measurements in fractions: 1kg = 1000g, 1/2kg = 500g, 1/4kg = 250g, 3/4kg = 750g
– Convert measurements of weight from kg to g: 1250g = 1 1/4kg
– Draw the correct weight on to a scale.

Read Learning Intention and Success Criteria above.
Complete the worksheet into your jotters.

Have a look at these posters again to remind yourself about weight with fractions.

Be careful when reading the scales if they are in g or kg.
Self-Mark your work once you have finished it.

Here are some fun maths links that you can play once you have finished your worksheet.

Maths: Group 3

S.T.E.M: 30-day LEGO Challenge.

Monday 23rd March

Good morning Primary 5! 🌞

Here is your task board for today.
⭐ You are free to do the daily tasks that are posted in any order you like.

⭐ Like we said in class, there will be a Literacy📚, Maths ➗ and other curricular task 🎨 posted daily. You can complete these in your jotters.

⭐ This is a very different way of learning so don’t put too much pressure on yourself or your family. Teachers will be happy for you to do as much as you can. 😊 We will get used to it soon. Make sure you have fun and try to help out at home too. 🏠

⭐ Try to keep your homework routine going. This is good revision that we are used to doing.

⭐ Remember you can revise lots of learning using websites we are used to such as:

Homework diary

This is a copy of your homework diary. Complete your homework as you normally would. I will post answers for mental maths daily.

Spelling homework

Spelling words for your homework this week. 
Daily diary – Monday 23rd March


Numeracy and Mathematics

Group 1 and 2

WALT to convert weight from kilograms to grams.
– State measurements in fractions: 1kg = 1000g, 1/2kg = 500g, 1/4kg = 250g, 3/4kg = 750g
– Convert measurements of weight from kg to g: 1250g = 1 1/4kg

Group 3

WALT add 2 and 3–digit numbers.
– Record addition calculations vertically using knowledge of place value
– Carry tens and units into hundred and tens.
– Add 2 digit to 3 digit numbers.

Complete the textbook page in your jotters

P.E – Get Active with Joe Wicks!

Click the link to go straight to The Body Coach’s You Tube channel for an exciting new way to get moving:

Have fun!!!!

We all had so much fun on our trip away to Belmont. 🧳 The children completed a range of activities from crate climbing to abseiling. 🧗‍♂️ They all worked well together, encouraging and supporting their groups. I am so proud of all the activities that everyone got involved in while we were away. 🌟
Hope everyone had a great time and are well rested. See you all on Monday, great work Primary 5 👍🏻


Class Library

We have been given money by the fundraising committee to make our library more welcoming and comfortable. We all brainstormed ideas to make our library more enjoyable. We love spending time in our library now and so grateful for our new library. 📚
Here is a before and after photo to show our changes.



Charlie and chocolate factory drama

We have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate book together as a class and doing lots of activities based on it.
In drama, we were having so much fun role playing different characters from the novel.
The 5 children were acting through role role play being the 5 lucky ticket winners of the tour around Willy Wonka’s factory 🎭  The rest of the class were news reporters asking the winners questions about their lives and excitement they are feeling about winning their special factory tour . 🎤 The children had so much fun answering the questions as if they were the characters from the novel. The questions and answers were great, clearly primary 5 have some actors and actresses in their midst 👏🏻🎭🎬


We have been learning about famous castles around all of Britain. The children researched the variety of materials that have been used over thousands of years to build castles. There are three main materials used to build castles of the years:

  • Wood
  • Metal
  • Stone 🧱

Primary 5 have been using their knowledge of castle structures and their imagination to build castles using Lego and wooden blocks.   👷🏻‍♂️👷🏼‍♀️ They worked as a class to create a list of criteria that they castle must have.

  • Turrets
  • Thick walls
  • Doors
  • Rooms

It was a challenge and everyone worked so hard, they look great 👍🏻 🏰

Applying compass points and angles to our lives!

We have been working on directions using 8 points on a compass. We discussed where and when we might use compass points in our lives, the children came up with great answers such as directions and positioning a map.
Miss joiner set some of the children a challenge of trying to apply their knowledge of angles to their compass points. The children worked hard to sort the angles into their defined names.

We were directing each other around the room using our angles and coordinates which helped us all to see how our learning might be used in every day life.

The children were creating pictures on the chrome books using all of their learning on compass points and angles. They looked brilliant! We have letters from smiley faces. Well done! 👏🏻

Outdoor learning

Some of primary 5 have been learning about the area and perimeter of shapes. We decided to take our learning outside. We had great fun working collaboratively using different measuring tool to calculate the areas and perimeter of different objects in our playground.  There was a huge range of objects being measured from tables to gates. Everyone worked really hard. Well Done!!



Primary 1 buddies

Since the beginning of term primary 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their step up of responsibility. The class have been taking buddying the new primary 1 children, this includes helping with their lunches, assisting with areas of their learning such as IT skills and paired reading work. The children have created great friendships with their buddy and look forward to continuing their involvement with them.