All posts by Mrs McArthur

Christmas is Coming!

Primary 3 are very excited that Christmas is so close. We have been learning our song words for the Christmas Concert and we hope that all the visitors on the night will enjoy our two songs. We are singing Away in a Manger and Frosty the Snowman.

Children In Need!

Primary 3 worked very hard to arrange an amazing event for Children in Need in November. We arranged a Pudsey Games Challenge for all the other classes to take part in. One side of the hall was ‘On the Spot’ activities and the other side was ‘Hit the Spot’ activities. Everyone had an amazing day and the we  managed to raise a great deal of money for a very important charity. We felt very proud of ourselves!


Highland Games!

Our topic this term is the Scotland. We have learned a lot of interesting facts  and in particular the different areas of Scotland. We found the area of the Highlands to be an area that we didnt know much about. We studied  a traditional event called The Highland Games. We discovered a number of activities that were included at the Games and were keen to take part in some of them ourselves. We adapted them to maket them fun for us to do. Our Cross Arthurlie Highland Games included

Toss the Wellie

Flick the Marble

Highland Jump

Highland Dance

Tug of War

Football Skills

In PE lessons  we have been concentrating on possession games. We have developed the skills of dribbling, passing and shooting within football. We are also trying to build up our ability to work as part of a team.

Welcome to Primary 3!

We have been learning a lot in Primary 3. Here are some of the activities  that we woud like to share with you.


For National maths week last week we took part in a Sumdog competition. We went outdoors to measure items that were bigger, smaller and the same size as a metre. On Friday we weighed and measured ingredients for making microwave cookies. They were yummy and we enjoyed eating them.


In Literacy we have been learning  how to join up our handwriting and we have started a new book in Literacy Evolve called Dont Read this Book. We are looking forward to reading more of it.

Social Studies

In Social Studies we have been learning about Scotland. We have started to learn a Scottish Country Dance and we hope to video it for the visitors to watch at Open Afternoon.


We had our very first class Mandarin lesson with Mrs Chu. We learned how to say panda and that China on the map looks like a chicken!