Wednesday 25th

Welcome to Wednesday! 🌞

Here is your task board for today.
I love seeing all your work from home! Keep reading all the instructions and remember you can see all the answers posted at 1pm to self-assess.
Make sure you are pressing the “Hand in” button at the side of your work to show me you have completed this.

What have you enjoyed the most on Google Classroom so far? ⭐

Literacy – Grammar

Revise contractions – words that have been made smaller by missing out letters and adding an apostrophe.

Complete both grammar pages in your jotter.
Play any of the games from the link below for further revision.


Numeracy – Group 1 and 2 – Weight

WALT to calculate weight in kilograms to grams.
– solve problems using our knowledge of weight
– apply knowledge of the 4 operations to solve weight problems.
– Convert measurements of weight from kg to g: 1250g = 1 1/4kg

Read Learning Intention and Success Criteria above.
Complete the worksheet into your jotters.

Be careful when reading the scales if they are in g or kg.
Convert the weights into the same units of measurement.
eg. 2kg, 3kg and 2300g – change the g in to kg to make questions easier.

Self-mark your work once your have finished. Answers will be posted later in the day

Group 3 – Subtraction

WALT: subtract two-digit from two-digit number with regrouping.
– record subtraction calculations vertically using knowledge of place value
-exchange tens for units using concrete materials
-estimate before calculating and check answer against your estimate

Watch this video:Β
Read through the PowerPoint ‘Column Subtraction Exchange’ for help with how to do this.
Complete the ‘2-digit subtraction with some regrouping’ work.
Choose three of the ‘subtraction word problems’ to work out. Look for the one with your name in it😊.

To finish: create your own subtraction word problem and post it on the class for your friends. You can try solving one of theirs too.


I know you have all loved the French cafe topic so here is a fun quiz!
How much can you remember!?