February and March 2017

Social Studies

We have been learning about the past and present.  We have been discussing old and new toys, and very unusual names.


We have been learning about fractions:  quarter and half.

We have also been learning how to tell the time.


We have been learning how to spell words with the sound ‘oi’.


We have been discussing forces such as push, pull, slide and friction.


We have been learning about Christianity, including Easter and the last supper.


We have been learning numbers from 1 to 10.


We have been learning to paint collages.  We have also been making daffodils using different materials.

Health and Wellbeing

We were learning how to make a healthy lunch box.


We have been learning how to play rugby.

By Charley (Class Blog Committee).

January 2017


We have been learning how to use adjectives to describe nouns. Adjectives can also be used to improve a sentence. 

We developed our talking skills by doing presentations to the class.  We told everyone about our special memories and decorated our memory boxes using collage materials.


We have been learning how to add and subtract money.  This can be very useful for our future, so that’s why we need to learn this now.  Something it can be useful for in the future is when you need to manage bank accounts and count up money.

Health and Wellbeing

We learned about road safety.  In this topic we learned many interesting facts, including the Green Cross Code:

Stop – Stop before you cross the road.

Look – Look left and right to see if there are any cars coming towards you.

Listen – Listen to see if you can hear any cars because you might not be able to see them, but if there is a car coming you will hear it.

Playing on  your phone is dangerous – When you are crossing the road it is very important that you are aware of your surroundings and if you are staring at a phone screen you will not be aware of any cars coming towards you.

Don’t wear headphones – When you are crossing the road you might not be able to see any cars, but you will hear them if they are coming.  If you wear headphones you will not hear any cars coming.

Primary 4 visited our class to tell us all about what they had been learning in Health and Wellbeing lessons.  They had made imaginative board games to teach us all about germs.








We have been doing cross curricular work with Health and have been designing road safety posters.  Posters are used to spread the word about something important, so this is why posters can be very useful. To make these posters we had to use bright colours to make them eye catching as people walk past them.


We have been learning how to write using Chinese characters.  It is good that we are learning how to write in different languages at this age as it can be helpful for our future.  We have also been learning about the Chinese New Year traditions.




We have been learning about Noah’s Ark.  It is important that we learn about things that have happened in the past so that we don’t make the same mistakes, just like in this story.  There were bad people, so God decided to punish them for their bad behaviour. God knew that Noah had done nothing wrong, so he made sure nothing bad would happen to him.  He told him to build an ark, and to keep two of each animal, so that the animals will still live on.

Modern Languages

We have been learning how to count up to 15 in French.  By doing this, if we ever go to France we will be able to show off our counting skills.


We have been learning how to throw and catch, which is helping us to play many new sports.  Using this skill, we have learned the basics of Handball.


We have been learning how to make a PowerPoint to present information.

Social Studies

We have been learning about artefacts from the past.  We had to write our own riddles for our partners to guess the artefact.  We loved exploring the old wireless and discovering how people used to wash their clothes with a washboard!







Information from Anna.

Written by Darcie (P7).

December 2016

Social Studies

We have been learning about the weather. We are learning about warm and cold countries.  We learned that Australia is a warm country and England can be cold sometimes. We wrote reports on the weather, which was really fun.  We went on a magic carpet and flew off to our dream places like warm and cold countries.


We wrote stories about superheroes such as Cat Woman and we could make up our own characters.


We were learning to do three digit calculations.  We have also been using money.

Modern Languages

We have been learning all of the numbers up to 10 in French.


We’ve been learning stories from the Bible, such as Noah and the Ark and Jonah and the Whale.


We have also been learning about the ‘magic e’ the other spelling rules such as ‘ss’ and ‘zz’.


We did cross curricular work with Noah and the Ark; we drew Noah and the ark with a rainbow on top. We also painted our spelling words.

We wrote our class targets and painted animal background behind it.


We are learning to play football, which is really fun.  We also learned yoga too.

Information from Anna and Ryan.

By Charley (Class Blog Committee).




October 2016


We have been learning about the weather.  We watched Newsround and learned the weather signs, such as wind and fog.


We have been learning about adding to 100.


We have been learning about proper nouns.

The Reading books that we’ve been reading are The Mango Tree and Harry’s Snake; we love the books so far.

Health and Wellbeing

We have been doing fitness activities and it helps us keep fit.

Expressive Arts

Art is  fun because we did hand prints.


We been typing with capital letters and full stops.

Information from Taylor and Nathan.

By Charley (Class Blog Committee).

September 2016

Social Studies

We have been learning about Jim and the Giant. We made an enormous bean stalk in class and we put it up outside our classroom for everyone to see.  We sculpted coins out of clay using special tools and painted them gold with gold paint.  We made glasses out of pipe cleaners.  We were also learning about the weather.


In Maths we have been learning about even numbers; we made an even number street out of houses with even numbers. We were learning about vertical adding calculations.  We have also learned about mental maths.

Information from Adam, Harry and Emme.

By Lauren (Class Blog Committee).


Welcome to the Primary 2/1 Class Blog.  We will be adding posts throughout the year to tell you what we are learning about in class.  We hope you have fun viewing our Blog.

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