Just a little thank you email from Glasgow Children’s Hospital. Well done again Primary 4/1.
Just a little thank you email from Glasgow Children’s Hospital. Well done again Primary 4/1.
We had a very relaxing time exploring our new sensory garden. It has many interesting areas and a great place to observer different insects.
Well done Primary 4/1 you successfully worked as a team to develop a business plan, work out costs and create a product to raise money for charity.
You worked on entrepreneurial skills and demonstrated a high degree of motivation to make your plans work. I am very proud of you!
We raised £60 for Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity. This charity was chosen by you for many special reasons.
We have been revising fractions and working out equivalent fractions using a big selection of resources.
We had a go at at simplifying fractions by dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number.
We have been exploring plants through our VR headsets. Today we tried out our new Blue-Bots using our iPad to plot directions. We liked that we can see what is going on inside the new Blue-Bots.
We continued to share our achievements from outside school today. Everyone confidently answered question and shared their expert knowledge. Well done 👍
We had a great time exploring all the different habitats of a rainforest. We really enjoyed learning about the corn snake, the Madagascan hissing cockroach and a Chilean rose tarantula.
This week we have been learning about angles and how to use a protractor. We explored lots of different angles in many different ways. We discovered that a right angles is 90 degrees, an acute angle is between 0 and 90 degrees, an obtuse angle is more than 90 and less than 180 degrees.
This term we are investigating what plants require to grow. We have explored a variety of plants and flowers to make detailed diagrams. We also named the important parts of a flower and can now state what they do.
Over the next few weeks we will be carrying out experiments to see what happens when a plant doesn’t get water or sun light. We are also working hard to make a herb garden so we can sell our product at the summer fayre.
As a class we have decided all profits from our herb company will go to a charity.