
This week we enjoyed our second visit from Miss Bell who is an Art teacher at Barrhead High. We were given newspaper and bandages to make donut sculptures for the P7 Transitions Café which will be held in June. This activity was rather messy but lots of fun!

On Monday we joined in a virtual lesson with the RME and Social Studies departments.  A former pupil from  Cross Arthurlie who is now in S1 joined the lesson too. She was telling us of her experience in Barrhead High so far which has been very positive.  She even took time to answer some of the questions we had. During the lesson we learned about a girl called Malala Yousafzai who is famous for standing up for  the rights of girls and fighting for all girls to have an education. It was very interesting to find out about Malala and to get an insight into the learning we might do in Social Studies in S1.

We have also been invited to join a Family Learning Numeracy Workshop organised by Barrhead High. This will take place on the evening of Thursday 4th November, 7pm-8pm, and is an online event.  We hope lots of families will be able to attend.