
Primary 6/1 were able to compare and contrast Victorian society with our own and researched how children as young as 4 and 5 were sent to work in factories, down mines, up chimneys and to beg on the streets. We learned that children had no rights, unlike today, as children’s rights are protected under law. Check the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). We also learned about Victorian schools and that children were made to wear a ‘Dunce’ hat or smacked with a cane. There were very strict rules about hygiene and talking.
In the playground we played games like ‘hopscotch’ and ‘hoop trundling’ and learned clapping games and sang ‘In and Out Those Dusty Bluebells.’
We made Victorian wooden peg dolls too.
In art we learned about mosaic and re-created a beautiful Queen Victoria portrait.