Happy Friday! We have successfully completed our first week of distance learning! Well done 👍
Quizzes: An adult should test you on your 10 spelling words. Write these neatly in your jotter.
Literacy and English: Grammar
Writing: Watch the short film and write at least a JOTTER page of creative, imaginative writing! Video: https://www.literacyshed.com/butterflies.html
Describe the dull, boring book and room at the beginning then use your knowledge of descriptive writing to bring your story to life. What other animals could come out of the book? What would they look like and do? How would you react?
What if a huge elephant squeeeeezed it’s way out the book?!
Numeracy and Maths
Numeracy Ninja worksheet can be found in your home-learning folder.
Group 1 & 2
Group 3 – (Click link below to open document)
Subtracting 3 digit numbers with exchanging
Art and Design
Spring time drawings! Make these as colourful as possible.
Feel free to draw something else or use different materials. Get creative!
A flower bouquet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-jHiAovALE&feature=emb_logo