Roald Dahl Day 📚🎈⭐️

Friday 13th September was not only unlucky for some and a full moon 🌕  but it was also Roald  Dahl Day! Children and adults across the UK celebrate Roald Dahl’s birthday by reading his stories and talking about the characters he created! Miss Hamilton gifted us little yellow badges for the occasion.

This year, P5.1 took part in a UK-wide Live Lesson through CBBC. We tuned in at 9am to take part in the lesson which followed the theme of bravery. We had to think of a time where we had been brave and create a character inspired by bravery.

We worked so hard on our characters and loved sharing them with one another. Once we were finished, we tuned back into the lesson to get inspiration from other famous authors and Dahl’s books on how to create a good story. We started to think about an obstacle that our character could face. This got us all thinking about a good, gripping story that could follow!

Many of us have now started to write our own stories using Miss Hamilton’s writing box. We are so proud of our characters and had great fun making them.

After our creative character building, we listened to an extract from Matilda written by Roald Dahl. She was very brave to stand up against Miss Trunchball.

We ended our Roald Dahl celebrations with a fun quiz on the creative, made up words that Dahl used in his books nicknamed Gobblefunk. He used to take known words in English and add bits to them to make them funny and different. We did very well!

Happy Roald Dahl Day! 📚🎈🥳