Tag Archives: Victorians

Our Class Assembly

We loved sharing our learning about Victorian children and their school and work life during our class assembly last week. We enjoyed dressing as Victorian children and our favourite part was singing ‘It’s a hard knock life.’ Thank you to all our family members who came to watch our assembly. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.


Scotland Street Museum

We visited Scotland Street Museum for a Victorian classroom re-enactment. 

When we arrived the boys and girls were taken to seperate changing rooms where we had to change into Victorian uniform. The uniform was quite different compared to what we wear today. We lined up outside the classroom and waited patiently for the Victorian teacher. She was just as we had imagined; extremely strict and scary looking. The classroom was dull with little colour and a blackboard. Throughout the morning we took part in times table recall, problem solving questions using a slate, copperplate writing using ink, drill, prayers and other activities. At the end we got to see examples of how children were punished either by wearing a dunce’s hat or using a cane. 

Having visited this Victorian classroom and worked with a Victorian teacher, we are so glad we did not need to attend school during the Victorian era. The experience was pretty terrifying to say the least! We are sad that our Victorian’s topic has come to and end, we loved learning about all the different aspects of the Victorian era and comparing them to modern life. 

We are however, looking forward to our upcoming Victorians class assembly.

Have a look at some of the pictures from our trip. 


Victorian Inventions

As part of our Victorians topic, we have been looking at many famous inventions and inventors. Over the last few weeks we were given the task to become inventors and create our very own invention.

 A Dragons Den styled lesson took place in which we had to present and promote our invention. We had to think carefully about our invention, its purpose and whether it solved any modern day problems. We used loud and clear voices and made eye contact with the audience. 

Once we finished presenting, we had to answer a range of challenging questions from the judges and audience. Some people wrote feedback slips for each inventor and gave them a star rating. 

We throughly enjoyed trying to win over the Dragons with our inventions. Have a look at our creative inventions below.