Tag Archives: Pancake Day

Shrove Tuesday

Today we learned about Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday is also known as Pancake Day. It is the last day before Lent begins. This is the Christian period leading up to Easter, when people often give up something.

We took part in a quiz to test how well we remembered how other countries around the world celebrate Pancake day and some of the traditions they follow. 

In numeracy we worked in groups to solve a ‘Pancake Pincher Mystery.’ We had to solve the clues to figure out who took a bite from each pancake during Peter’s party at the Pancake Pantry. We then solved pancake  menu challenges and coloured in pancakes according to fractions. 

Our favourite part was when we got to eat pancakes! We chose either chocolate spread or strawberry jam as our topping and enjoyed eating the pancakes whilst working through our pancake maths challenges. We wish we could have pancakes during every maths lesson!