All posts by Miss McGhie

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up.  Primary 7 read stories to Primary 2 and enjoyed time in the class library.

The library has had a make over.  Some new items include, bean bags, pillows and books trays so the children can easily access the books they enjoy.  Some children in the class gave up their lunch break this week to organise the books into different genres .


Enterprise Project

Primary 7 have been learning about how to run a successful business.  They created their own business and sold pancakes to the school.  They made an impressive profit.  Well done Primary 7.



Learning about Robots

We have been learning about robots and their impact on the world.  We built our own robots from scratch and then  programmed them to move.

We had a visit from  Barrhead High School who came down to give us a robot challenge.