All posts by J Reid

Bikeability – Final Session

We all successfully completed our bikeability level 2 on the road. We improved our cycling skills and can confidently signal and turn on the road. We even practiced on a busy crossroads junction which was very challenging.


Science – chemical reactions – Lava Lamp experiment

We have been learning how everyday chemicals can be mixed together and a chemical reaction will take place.

We created our very own lava lamps.  We discussed the equipment needed, our predictions and the method for the experiment. We recorded this information in our science investigation sheets and then split into groups to begin. Below are the steps we followed.

  1. Fill up 2/3 of a plastic bottle with vegetable oil. 
  2. Add 1/3 of water until the bottle is filled up to the top.
  3. Add 5-10 drops of food colouring. 
  4. Break up 1 alka-seltzer tablet into smaller pieces.
  5. Add 1 piece of the tablet to the bottle and look out for a reaction.

The tablet reacts with the water and oil mixture to create huge bubbles and a fizzing sound.

Have a look at some pictures from our experiment below. 

Science – chemical reactions – Bath Bomb experiment

We have been using everyday chemicals to create our own bath bombs.

This experiment consisted of mixing citric acid, bicarbonate is soda, cornflour, lavender, food colouring and splash of water.

We discovered that carbon dioxide gas was given off during the chemical reaction.


When we tested our bath bombs in water they all worked leaving a lovely lavender smell and creating bubbles of gas and a fizzing sound as they dissolved.

Bikeability – playground session

P6 enjoyed their first session of bikeability. We learned how to do an uncontrolled left turn using the street markings in the playground.

Once we have practised in the playground we will be applying our skills out on the road. We can’t wait!

Happy Easter 🐣

We all had an egg-cellent time painting our boiled eggs in our Easter Egg Competition.

Once we had declared the winners we went out to the grassy pitch to roll them down the hill.

P6.1 wish everyone a lovely Easter holiday filled with chocolate and fun.