Literacy: Yearbook 20/04

Good morning Primary 7!

I hope you have had a great holiday and have been enjoying this glorious weather!
I have started working on the Yearbook and thanks to our hard working Yearbook Committee I don’t have much to do. However, there are some bits that need to come from you! Each year four ‘leavers poems’ are selected to be published in the Yearbook. This is a poem about your time at Cross Arthurlie and moving onto High School. I will attach some poems from previous years for inspiration and also a website with videos about different types of poems. It can be any type of poem and it doesn’t need to rhyme. The only requirement is that it is about your time at Cross Arthurlie.

I want you to try your best so I will give you today and tomorrow to work on this (it is due at 3pm on Tuesday the 21st.) Submit your poem however you like, you can write it in the comments below or write it down, take a picture and attach it if that is easier.