First few weeks of Primary 7……

It’s been a busy first few weeks back at school,  settling into Primary 7/1.

We’ve set up our Google Classroom where we will be sharing lots of learning and teaching.

We had great fun working in teams to complete the Escape Room challenge posted in Google Classrooms.

Our first trip to the East Renfrewshire Safety in the Park event was great. We learned a lot about keeping safe online, what to do in case of emergencies, road safety and we even learned how the police deal with a crime scene and what we should do if we ever find ourselves in that situation. One of our favourite workshops was when we learned about the dangers of alcohol and drugs. We were able to try on ‘Beer Googles’ , letting us experience the effects alcohol might have on our coordination and balance.


Back in the classroom, we choose on aspect of learning from the event and created an information poster or leaflet to display in school.

We have some fantastic artists in P7/1. They demonstrated their skills when learning about contrast and tone. We doodled with our pencils to practise shading and then drew an eye, using tone and contrast to make our drawings as realistic as possible.


We enjoy a wide range of interests and hobbies in P7/1. During the first week back, we designed name cards that reflected what was important to us and what we enjoyed doing. Can you guess what Lewis likes to do?

We decided that we wanted our first topic  to be World War 2. Have a look at some of the things we would like to find out more about……..

We plan to use technology a lot to enhance our learning in P7/1 and are allowed to use our own devices. We spent some time discussing the school BYOD guidelines as we all have a responsibility to use these devices appropriately.