In RME we are learning about Judaism. We have been learning about Shabbat. Shabbat is when nobody works from Friday night at sunset until Saturday. This happens every week.
In Maths we have been learning about Roman numerals. We know know how to count from 1 to 21 in Roman numerals. It was very interesting to know how people used to count.
We have been learning how to make bar graphs on Microsoft Excel in ICT. It was fun making our own graphs.
During class we have been reading James and the Giant Peach. We usually read at least one chapter a day. We also made a diary entry for James.
In literacy we have made ‘I am’ poems which was really fun because we got to make pictures about it. For example, we would write I am smart and confident etc.
Information from David, Jessica, Calleigh and Lyla.
By Emma (Class Blog Committee).