All posts by Mrs Britton

Bikeability Assessment

A big thank you to all the parent helpers who  volunteered to assist with our bikeability level 2 training.  We really appreciate your help.

Today was our assessment and the instructors were very impressed with our abilities. Well done Primary 6/2.


Journey of Bananas

As part of our Caribbean topic we investigated the Journey of Bananas across the Atlantic to our supermarket shelves. After taking notes we had to work in groups to create a new text and present our findings to the class.

Bikeability on the road

Yesterday we had our second bikeability session on the road.  We practised our uncontrolled left turns, controlled right turns and slow down and stop.  We are starting to feel much more confident on the road!

Chinese knotting

As part of Chinese art week we were taught the skill of Chinese knotting, an ancient tradition in China that represents good luck and prosperity.  We got to look at fabulous examples and then made one of our own.   First we made a wish and put it in an envelope.  We then used our new skill to create the knotting.   Some of us were so fast we even got to create our own bracelet.  Take a look.

The Dragon of the Western Sea

Primary 6 and 7 had a wonderful afternoon practising with Scottish Opera for our performance of The Dragon of the Western Sea.  We were split in to three groups.  The Indian group sang Namaste! The pirates group sang Pirates of Persia and the African group sang Hamjambo! We can’t wait for our workshop and performance.



Easter egg hunt

Primary 6/2 have had a fun filled afternoon.  We learned about the Easter story.  We then created our own eggs using different collage materials.  We decorated our Easter bags and went on an Easter egg hunt!  Two lucky girls found the special Easter treats.