Science Day: Microorganisms 🔬

Primary 7.2 committed a whole day to Science on Thursday! 🤓 We were learning all about Microorganisms – tiny, living things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. We now know microorganisms can be grouped in 3 categorise  (virus, fungi and bacteria) regardless of whether they are helpful or harmful to humans.

We explored the ways they could be harmful, looking at what illnesses can be caused by microorganisms and how we can avoid becoming unwell.

We also looked at how microorganisms can be useful in providing us with the food we love such as cheese, yoghurt, mushrooms and bread!

We uses microscopes to explore what was living in the seemingly clear water collected from a stagnant pool. We discovered all sorts of creatures swimming around! At lunch time, a few pupils brought in items from the playground to look at in more detail. We could even see pollen on a flower in full detail!

We set up an experiment to demonstrate that these tiny microorganisms are in fact living. Our experiment activated yeast and placed a balloon over the  container. We kept a close eye on them in class and quickly after we could see the balloon starting to inflate!

By the end of the day, we all picked a key question to explore in more depth and teach the class. We had explored how water waste rids microorganisms when recycling. Other pupils taught us why some food rots before others and what benefits microorganisms can bring to every day life.

We now know how important microorganisms are to ever day life, even if we were a little grossed out by them initially! We absolutely loved exploring using the microscopes and disguising the impact of good hygiene on our life.

In the microscope!

Researching our chosen key question. 🔍