Make Do and Mend workshop with MEND

MEND are a small business operating in Glasgow’s City Centre and East End. They offer free workshops to teach individuals vital life skills in sewing and clothes repairs. Primary 7.2 had been learning all about Britain’s efforts during WW2. Daily life was difficult with a lack of resources and we learned all about the rationing of clothes as well as food.

We soon realised that the yearly allowance of 66 coupons (72 for children) would not cover even a fraction of our current wardrobes. We discussed the global problem of ‘fast fashion’ which is fast becoming one of the worlds largest polluters and causes of global warming.

To improve our sewing skills that we could apply in our own life, we invited MEND to hold a workshop in our class. We learned classic stitches such as hand stitch and back stitch. We used these to sew a triangle patch that would be used to make bunting. This bunting will be displayed in our class to mark the end of our WW2 topic.

Thanks again to MEND for the wonderful experience.
