World War 2: The Declaration of War!

Currently, we are learning about World War 2 and the key people and events that played  an important part in our history.

We have explored how World War 2 started after the First World War and the rise of Adolf Hitler. Today we took a trip back to 1939 and studied the declaration of war in more depth, learning about key historical dates and events as well as the emotion involved in hearing that our country was now at war.

We later decided to write newspaper articles sharing the devastating news about the war. We studied the key features of newspapers, focusing on their use of layout and lettering to engage the reader.

To bring our newspapers to life, we needed real-life quotes from key politicians and civilians. We got ourselves into our fictional 1939 characters and split into two groups, journalists and interviewees. We had a lot of fun interviewing one another – emotions were high!

We are very proud of our newspaper reports.  A lot of effort was taken to ensure they were eye-catching and informative. Stay tuned to see who has been awarded Star Writer for their efforts…