Countdown to Leavers!

Every day, Primary 7.2 will receive a treat from Miss Hamilton as we count down the last 10 days of primary school! 😊😢🥳 Names are randomly selected from our lolly pop sticks. We’re having lots of fun making memories and reflecting over our 7 years at Cross Arthurlie. It’s an emotional but exciting time for our Cross Arthurlie staff, parents and Primary 7 pupils but we are know they are looking forward to fresh start at their new high school in August!

10. Hide and Seek Tig

9. Secret Treat – Rounders!

8. Flip Out and Dominoes Pizza Party

7. Beat the Goalie/ Basketball Hoops


6. Prom and Homework Showcase

5. P7 Kahoot Quiz and Games Day

4. Movie Day

We watched Wonder aa a follow up to our class novel and munched our way through some delicious popcorn!

3. Rounders and a surprise cake!

Thanks to Mrs Maclaren who very kindly bought a personalised cake for the class to enjoy.

2. Memory Jar

Primary 7 have been collecting nice memories and funny moments over the year in our memory jar. We finally smashed it today and had lots of fun reflecting back over the year.


Presents and keep sakes all round! We had one last celebration before we put on our Leavers show.