Lord Provost Debate šŸ—³

Primary 7.2 visited Eastwood Park to participate in the Lord Provost Debate. After much discussion, the children agreed that they would like to focus on an issue facing our community rather than just P7. They decided on the following motion: The House believes that households should only own one car.

PupilsĀ researched the issue to discover the main argumentsĀ for and against the motion. We explored the difference between fact and opinion and the reliability of sources. We also recognised the importance of citing our sources to back our points.Ā As part of our preparation for theĀ debate, we held a mock debate in class.

The debate was a huge success with all pupils participating to a high standard. We all demonstrated and understood the importance of respecting the views of others whilst having the freedom to share Ā our own opinion. The Lord Provost commented that it was one of the most interesting debates he has listened to recently since there were so many good points given from both sides.

The debate concluded with a summary from our dedicated media teams and team leaders. Itā€™s was a very close vote with the house voting 14:12 against households being restricted to one car.

Well done to everyone for all their hard work and dedication today. A credit to our school.