Baking Gingerbread Men 🍪

Primary 7.2  expressed an interest in baking something for themselves, similar to Home Ec in high school.  They chose gingerbread men because ’tis the season!’

Each group had to follow a recipe, collect and measure the correct ingredients and help to create perfect dough through kneading. Once their dough was ready, each child took a portion of dough to create their own Gingerbread Christmas decoration using a range of cutters.

We had so much fun making them and they smelled so good, we couldn’t resist having s little bite before break…for quality control!

Our ovens are warm and the equipment is set…let the bake off begin!

Lots of numeracy skills in use – accurate measuring and using scales.

Mix mix mix! More hands make light work!

Our gingerbread decorations before they were iced and eaten!