A Journey through Europe

Primary 6/2 have been studying Europe this term.  We have been researching to find out how climate and the landscape influence nature, farming and the sea around Europe.  We read carefully to select the main ideas and chose how to present our work.

In another sequence of lessons we made notes on Southern Spain after watching a journey through Europe case study.  We used persuasive writing techniques to create a poster advertising Southern Spain.  We had to focus on all of the positives, use bright colours and images and persuasive and exaggerated language.  Finally we tried to include a catchy slogan.  Some of us then created an improvised drama sketch based on a travel agency.  We had to stay in character to persuade our customers to visit Southern Spain.

In ICT we worked independently or with a partner to create a European PowerPoint. We decided that one of our slides should include information about Southern Spain. We were able to change the slide design and add custom animation.  Our next challenge is to include hyperlinks.


Primary 6/2 were sent on a treasure hunt to find 15 European countries hidden in class.  We worked as small teams to sort information.  We used our Maths skills to find the area of each country from largest to smallest.  We had to do the same for population, mountains, rivers and finally climate in degrees Celsius. We enjoyed ordering European statistics!

It was hard work but great fun!