Outdoor Learning at Carolside Nursery

Last week we had a particularly eventful and enjoyable time at Carolside Nursery. Mike Brady, the Countryside Ranger Team Leader from Chatelherault, visited the nursery on Wednesday and Friday. He worked with the children placing emphasis on teamwork and problem solving in the outdoor environment. The children thoroughly enjoyed the range of materials available and they worked extremely well together to create kites, a shelter, a pulley system for baskets, a sit on trolley and much more!

As part of Remembrance Day, the children used a range of media to create poppies and participated in a two minute silence.

On Thursday, we took part in a Dress As You Please Day to help raise money for Children in Need. The total amount raised by the nursery was £112! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents/carers for their support and co-operation with this event.



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