All posts by Miss Morgan

Anderson Shelters

In class we have been learning about Anderson and Morrison shelters from WW2. We have been working collaboratively to design and make our own shelters. Some groups have faced different challenges along the way and we have had to use our problem solving brains to fix them. I cannot wait to see your final shelters!

We have also had even more war memorabilia! P6/7 are really embracing learning about WW2!

P7 Lochgoilhead Assembly

Well done to all of the Primary 7 pupils who participated in the Lochgoilhead Assembly. You were all absolutely fantastic and you were able to show pupils, parents, guardians, guests and staff everything that you achieved at Lochgoilhead. Well done!

More Memorabilia

Primary 6/7 have been very fortunate that some of the pupils in the class have been able to bring in WW2 memorabilia. Yesterday, we were exploring an arm band that a soldier wore during the war and we looked at the small bible he was given before going to war.

Thank you to anyone who has brought things into class to share.



Welcome to International Week in P6/7! This week primary 6/7 will be investigating and developing their own knowledge about the country of China. Yesterday, we were visited by a mandarin teacher and we were learning lots of new vocabulary. We are very lucky to have another 5 weeks of learning mandarin too.  P6/7 were super and were able to sing a song in mandarin by the end of the lesson – well done!

WW2 Historian

Primary 7 had the opportunity to hear from a WW2 historian – Mr. Sinclair yesterday. He spoke to us about the children and different individuals that were evacuated during the war. There were lots of interesting questions and answers at the end to develop our knowledge and understanding.

Mental Maths

In class today, we completed a Mental Maths Speed Challenge.

After completing the challenge we had to collaborate with one another to find the correct answers. We were able to discuss the strategies we had used to answer the variety of questions. As we were discussing each question we had to self – assess our own work.

War Memorabilia

Today in class we were learning to take notes about children’s lives during WW2. We were able to identify key information and organize our notes from newspaper reports, children’s recounts, photographs and videos. We even managed to source a gas mask and iron to gain a sensory learning experience.

Can you recognise anyone behind the gas masks?


P6/7 Class Assembly Diversity

Well done to Primary 6 and 7 for showing their hard work off during their class assembly. The class have been looking at Diversity through the countries of India and Pakistan.

We have explored the partitioning of the countries and influential individuals from both – Gandhi and Malala. The children came up with great ideas for how we should showcase our learning. In Religious Education the children have looked at Diwali (Hindu festival of light) and Eid (Islam festival). The children were able to compare the differences between how different cultures celebrate different religions.

Some of the girls even gave Bollywood dancing a try. Great work girls you all did great!

Diversity in Scotland is another area that the class have been looking at – the children have been able to identify ‘What makes Scotland?’ and ‘What makes Scotland a diverse society?’

Well done P6/7!


Maths Week 2018

This week in Primary 6/7 we have been busy undertaking many mathematical challenges. We would like to share some of the things the challenges we faced.

Virgin Money – Make £5 Grow

Primary 7 as a year group have had the opportunity to work together to create a business proposal which they will eventually create and sell to make a profit. Primary 7 have had to create a plan surrounding the items they want to sell and then pitch their ideas. All of the business pitches were successful meaning everyone will receive their £5.

Well Done Primary 7!

Primary 6 – Day Trip Challenge

Primary 6 had the challenge to plan a day trip to somewhere in Scotland. This had to start and finish in Busby and they only had a £100 to spend.

Some of the children decided to go to Millport, Arran and Dundee. They had to find cost prices and make some difficult decisions on the things they were going to do.

Great work Primary 6!

Primary 6/7 worked alongside Primary 7 to complete a maths relay to finish off Maths Week. There were some challenging questions and the children had to use lots of different problem – solving strategies.


Hope you enjoyed hearing about Primary 6/7’s maths week!


The Digestive System Experiment

In Science we have been learning about the body systems. We were exploring the journey our food takes through our bodies and how this can benefit us.

Our class experiment enabled us to investigate the digestive process where the body breaks down food in order to extract nutrients. Also, we were able to observe how undigested food passes through the large intestine and leaves the body as waste (crackers, water and orange juice used).