All posts by Miss Morgan

Eco Learning

Primary 7/6 were learning about all the different types of plants and flowers that are used to attract different types of wildlife. They were planting different plants, flowers and seeds to help start off our nature area in the school. We may have found one or two insects along the way…


During Eco Week we were looking at an artist called Andy Goldsworthy (a British Artist who uses different objects found in nature to build different structures). The pupils were learning to uses the dents within the rocks to help them balance on top of one another. They quickly found out that the heavier rocks belonged at the bottom of the structure especially when trying to make a bridge.

P7 Science

P7 were visited by Science teachers from Williamwood High School to learn more about DNA. The pupils were able to use their prior knowledge about DNA and expand on this through an experiment. The experiment involved the children analysing different superheroes DNA to find out who would be the best help save Clarkston Toll. Primary 7 had the opportunity to make their own DNA bracelet that is unique to them. 

Mathematics Boards

Primary 7/6 had the opportunity to use new mathematics boards today. They were learning new ways to visualise a multiplication and division calculation; it was very interesting hearing different pupils’ methods to finding the answer. The boys and girls were also challenged in a guess my number game where they had to ask mathematical questions to work out the answer.


Mapping our route to High School

Primary 7 were challenged today to find where they live on their local map and plan a route to school. They were able to look at train times and workout how to plan different journeys from a paper timetable. Every pupil planned a journey based on the mode of transport they will be using to get to High School or if they would be stopping to meet a friend for walking.


Primary 6 were learning to identify the interval of measurement in millilitres on a variety of measuring containers. They were able to read scales on measuring containers to find volumes of liquid in millilitres. Well done Primary 6! 😄


Primary 6, have been learning about cells and microscopy. We have been looking at animal and plant cells and the different functions each part performs. Primary 7 have had an opportunity to be leaders in their own learning by showcasing different ways we can use a microscope. They have been able to link their knowledge of DNA to different cells too.


Primary 7 had the opportunity to expand their knowledge about DNA yesterday. They were kindly visited by Mr Nicklin who was able to share his expertise with the children – all of the boys and girls had the chance to make their own DNA bracelets for different animals or species. The end result was fantastic and another huge thank you to Mr Nicklin for visiting primary 7 yesterday.