Maths Week 2018

This week in Primary 6/7 we have been busy undertaking many mathematical challenges. We would like to share some of the things the challenges we faced.

Virgin Money – Make £5 Grow

Primary 7 as a year group have had the opportunity to work together to create a business proposal which they will eventually create and sell to make a profit. Primary 7 have had to create a plan surrounding the items they want to sell and then pitch their ideas. All of the business pitches were successful meaning everyone will receive their £5.

Well Done Primary 7!

Primary 6 – Day Trip Challenge

Primary 6 had the challenge to plan a day trip to somewhere in Scotland. This had to start and finish in Busby and they only had a £100 to spend.

Some of the children decided to go to Millport, Arran and Dundee. They had to find cost prices and make some difficult decisions on the things they were going to do.

Great work Primary 6!

Primary 6/7 worked alongside Primary 7 to complete a maths relay to finish off Maths Week. There were some challenging questions and the children had to use lots of different problem – solving strategies.


Hope you enjoyed hearing about Primary 6/7’s maths week!