All posts by gw18thomasnicola2@glow

Good Luck!

Happy holidays to you all!

I hope that you are all having a great time with family and friends this summer and continue to enjoy the sunshine and your time off school.

I just wanted to say thank you for the kind gifts given at the end of the year and also to wish you all the best for Primary 7 which is only a short time away now.  Good luck!

Mrs Thomas.


Primary 6 had their first Bikeability session on the road today and I have to say that they were amazing! Confidence grew as the session went on and they were able to safely start, manoeuvre on the road with good signalling and remembered that all important Lifesaver look. Well done Primary 6! Looking forward to next week.

Primary 6 STEM Week Fun

We have had an awesome STEM week. Our highlights of the week include making and testing balloon powered cars for a  Grand Prix. Going to Edinburgh and  seeing all the things at Our Dynamic Earth and the National Museum and both the science shows. It was so fun!!!

Here are a few pictures from our week. More to come soon!

by Josh and Zoe

Spaghetti Engineering Challenge


Learning about microscopes and looking at blood cells