Farm Trip

Primary 1 had a fantastic time at our trip to the farm today. We saw lots of animals and especially enjoyed our workshop where we learned to make butter by shaking jars of cream!


Roald Dahl Day

On Thursday 13th September, P1 celebrated Roald Dahl day.  We learnt all about the author and his books and discovered that he would have been 102 years old this year!

We had lots of fun working out our Roald Dahl character names. Some of our favourites were The Wondercrump Hornswaggler, The Squibbling Blabbersnitch and The Gloriumptious Human Bean.  Use the link here if you would like to find out yours!

We drew pictures of our Roald Dahl characters and our P7 buddies came and helped us with the writing. We created some fabulous stories together!


Happy Roald Dahl day!


Outdoor Learning

We have been busy practising  our letter and number formation outside. We used chalk, water and paintbrushes, and natural materials to create the letters and numbers that we have been learning.