
Reading (finish the book over the 4 nights) /Spelling                                      *Nessy Spellers- please check your jotter for your words                           Authors: Victorian Adventure                                                                                  Spelling: or  corn,  wanted,    sort, cousins,      worn,  Christmas      torch,  adventure     for,  sports                                                            Illustrators: Christmas Adventure                                                                      Spelling: ea      sea,  wanted, peas,  cousins,     meat, Christmas,         clean,  adventure,  leaf,  teapot, 

Poets: Talk talk talk 

Monday: Mental Maths (The children  have created their own questions this week so please don’t worry if they don’t all make sense :)), reading and write the first 5 words three times                             Tuesday: Mental Maths, reading and Active spelling (Pupil choice)        Wednesday: Mental maths, reading and write the last five words three times                                                                                                    Thursday: Mental Maths, reading and Active spelling (Pupil choice)

*As you know, our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. With the change in weather recently please ensure that your child has warm clothes to wear outside, as we will continue to use the MUGA when we can.


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