Primary 3 Homework and news! WB 26-11-18

Hi everyone,

Please see the link below for homework this week:

Homework 26-11-18

Thank you to all of you who managed to come along on Tuesday! The children came up with some fantastic evil characters and heroes!

I hope the children are enjoying their book bags and using them at home :). When reading with your child at home, please encourage them to think about the active reading tools and strategies which are on page 17 and 18 of their homework diaries!

The class have enjoyed doing lots of learning related to Book Week Scotland. They particularly enjoyed their visit from Caroline who talked about how we can use ‘visualising’ to create our own pictures in our minds of what the words might look like. She read some of ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ to the class.

*Message from Primary 5*

Primary 5 are studying Enterprise in Social Studies and are learning about running a business. We have carried out market research to investigate the best product for sale to maximise profits.

Our research has revealed that sweets are the most popular product. As a result, we will be producing Sweetie Cones. All sweets are gelatine free and suitable for a vegetarian diet.

We have taken out a business loan from Mrs Friel and have to repay this in full. Profits made in this venture will be donated to charity.

Sweetie Cones will be available for sale from Monday 10th December for £1. We hope you will support our project.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Ali and Primary 5

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