Tag Archives: spelling

Homework and Reading W/B 27.08.18


I’m looking forward to sharing our learning through this blog in the coming months. I will also continue to use it to remind you of any homework tasks and give any further details, should they be required.


Nutty As A Noodle   Mon – Daft Jack.  Tues – The Silly Sisters.  Wed – The Foolish King.  Thurs – reread a favourite with good expression.

Is There Anyone Out There?  2 or 3 sections per night

Pet Detectives – The Ball Burglary  5 or 6 pages per night

Pirate Adventure  Mon+Tues page 1-12  Wed+Thurs page 13-24



Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check (LSCWC) is a technique the children have used in school to reinforce the retention of spelling words.

  • First have a good look at the word. How many letters? Any phonemes they recognise?
  • Say the word out loud.
  • Cover it up so they cannot see it.
  • Write the word neatly.
  • Check and see if it was correct (tick!)

Rainbow write the word using all the colours of the rainbow.



Spread the addition tasks over the week using the sheets. Allow your child to self assess using the answers on the reverse of the sheet.


Please cover your child’s jotter with wrapping paper or similar paper to keep it in good condition.

Mr C