Tag Archives: Maths

Homework WB 25.03.19


Homework for this week is as follows:


Rally Challenge – Whole book by Friday (Must be read at home to practise fluency)

Fright in the Night  – Whole book by Friday (Must be read at home to practise fluency)

Machines that Move  – Whole book by Friday (Must be read at home to practise fluency)

Twelfth Floor Kids  – Whole book by Friday (Must be read at home to practise fluency)

If you want your child to read a different book for 15 min after the book is completed, please use a library book of something you have at home.



No spelling words will be issued on Wednesday. Class spelling work will be revision of sounds and rules covered so far.

Miss Innes’ group have no new words this week and will work on revision of sounds and rules covered so far.




Maths tasks and games for your child can be found here on Education City.

If you wish your child to do a mental maths task each night, they can log on to their Google Classroom and complete the optional “Daily 10”

Your child has a copy of their login and password in their Homework Diary.

Have a great week.

Mr C


Homework WB 25.02.19


This week’s homework is as follows:


Kipper and the Giant – whole book for Friday

Fair’s Fair – whole book for Friday

Trouble in the Rockies – whole book for Friday

Making the Past into Presents – whole book for Friday


New words for all groups will be given out on Wednesday 27th February. Please do two activities from the spelling grid using the words. You can show evidence for the activities in any way you wish. A parental signature is enough to show the work has been completed.


Links to maths work on the Google Classroom to follow. We will have access to Education City soon.

This week’s area’s of maths for vonsideracons are:

Circles : Length, including word problems involving all four operations.

Triangles: Directions, compass points and movement.

Squares: Multiplication and the link with division. Multiplication as repeated additon. Division as repeated subtraction.

Rectangles: Doubling and Halving – including doubling multiples of 5 and halving multiples of 10.

More to follow.

Please ensure your child submits their work if it is done on the Google Classroom. Please sign your child’s homework jotter if it is done on there.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr C

Numeracy and Maths

We have been learning lots of new things in maths since we arrived in Primary One. We really enjoy problem solving because we get to act out our strategies and work together to solve the problem. We have also been learning about adding three numbers, halving numbers and identifying right angles. Take a look at what we have learned so far this week.


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