Category Archives: Homework

Homework 8.10.18


All homework should be completed by Thursday (including Miss Innes’ group).


Fossils – Whole book for Thursday.

The Twelfth Floor Kids – Whole book for Thursday.

The Great Race – Whole book for Thursday.

Swimming with Dolphins – Whole book for Thursday.



Do one task from the active spelling grid. How you provide evidence is up to you. You can do it on blank paper or record the activity in another way – good examples will go on the children’s wall.  A signature will be fine to show your child completed the task.



We will continue our focus on tables and quick number bond recall through homework this week.

Circles – At least 2 multiplication squares – 1,2,3,4,5,6,8, 9 and 10x tables (try the 7 times table). 10 mins time limit.

Triangles – At least 2 multiplication squares – 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 and 10x tables. 10 mins time limit.

Squares and Rectangles – Minimum 2 addition squares. How much of each square you can do in 10 mins? 10 mins time limit.


Mr C


Homework 01.10.18

Hello! It’s October already!



Quackers – 35 to 64

Pirate Party  – Whole book

You Can Try This At Home – Whole Book (Feel free to try it at home too!)

Monster Mistake – Whole Book



2 tasks of your choice from the active spelling grid. How you provide evidence is up to you, it need not be in the jotter – good examples will go on the children’s wall.  A signature will do as proof.


Mental Maths

Mental maths grids (woohoo!) One column per evening. First, ask your child the question. Ensure you give them enough time to answer. Then write down their response.


Mr C

Homework WB 25.09.18


Apologies for last weeks missing blog due to access issues. These have now been solved!



Quackers – Page 1 to 34

Riding the Waves  – Whole Book

Going Into Space – Whole Book

Village in the Snow – Whole Book



1 task of your choice from the active spelling grid. How you provide evidence is up to you – good examples will go on the children’s wall.  A signature will suffice though.



Children will undertake 2 “Number Squares” this week.

Circles and triangles – 1 multiplication (using tables 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 10), 1 addition.

Squares and rectangles – 2 addition squares.

Give your child a limit of TEN MINUTES only to tackle each square. Ask them if they have improved their classroom best time. If your child does not complete the square, don’t give them extra time, the challenge is to get as far as possible in the ten minutes.


Good luck

Mr C


Homework WB 03.09.18


Thanks to all who covered the homework jotter – they look splendid! Please cover your child’s jotter if you have not already done so.



Monday+Tuesday Page 25-36   Wednesday+Thursday 37 – 56



Whole book by Friday



Whole book by Friday



6 pages per night


Mental Maths 

One column per night. Please read each question to your child and record their response. Give plenty of thinking time.



Write each word 3 times. Look at it, say it, cover it up and write it. Then check and see if it’s correct (LSCWC)

Choose 3 words and do “RANSOM WRITING” – cut out the letters from newspapers or old magazines and stick them down to spell the three words.

Homework and Reading W/B 27.08.18


I’m looking forward to sharing our learning through this blog in the coming months. I will also continue to use it to remind you of any homework tasks and give any further details, should they be required.


Nutty As A Noodle   Mon – Daft Jack.  Tues – The Silly Sisters.  Wed – The Foolish King.  Thurs – reread a favourite with good expression.

Is There Anyone Out There?  2 or 3 sections per night

Pet Detectives – The Ball Burglary  5 or 6 pages per night

Pirate Adventure  Mon+Tues page 1-12  Wed+Thurs page 13-24



Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check (LSCWC) is a technique the children have used in school to reinforce the retention of spelling words.

  • First have a good look at the word. How many letters? Any phonemes they recognise?
  • Say the word out loud.
  • Cover it up so they cannot see it.
  • Write the word neatly.
  • Check and see if it was correct (tick!)

Rainbow write the word using all the colours of the rainbow.



Spread the addition tasks over the week using the sheets. Allow your child to self assess using the answers on the reverse of the sheet.


Please cover your child’s jotter with wrapping paper or similar paper to keep it in good condition.

Mr C