Homework W/C 20.01.20


Please find homework listed below.


Usual spelling homework, all words written three times plus two activity spelling strategies of your choice. Nessy spelling will be issued on Wednesday and Thursday as normal.


Rowlings – Foul Play, full book for Friday please.

Walliams – Raiders, page 32 for Friday please.

Dahls – The Knife, page 16 for Friday please (it was agreed that if this didn’t feel like enough then continue to read on!)

Morpurgos – The Viking Adventure

Robins – Hot Dog Harris, page 26 for Friday please.


All groups have been issued with their mental maths grid with their own questions in the Thursday column. Please complete this as normal.


Thank you so much for all the household packaging donations – we now have lots of materials to start planning and building our longships and longhouses!

Robert Burns Day

As Burns Night falls on a Saturday this year we will be celebrating in class with a small Burns Supper (haggis optional!) and some Scottish refreshments. If any children wish to learn (or write!) a small piece of Burns or Scottish Poetry to recite on Friday this would be warmly welcomed! Some Burns poems will be practised and issued tomorrow for those who may wish to learn even a small extract.

I hope you all have an excellent week.