Homework W/C 06.01.20

Hello all!

I hope you all had a very relaxing and restful Christmas break. It has been a pleasure to see the class again and hear all  about their amazing time off. My apologies for the delay in this first blog post of the new year, I blame first week forgetfulness! Please find this week’s homework listed below.


Usual spelling homework, all words written three times plus two activity spelling strategies of your choice. Nessy spelling will be issued on Wednesday and Thursday as normal.


Can all groups please finish their books for Friday, please.


All groups have been issued with their mental maths grid. Please complete this as normal.


At the start of this week Primary 5 voted for their new topic to be The Vikings! Some of their fabulous ideas for learning experiences included creating our own Viking shields, longboats and longhouses. In order to do this we will need any old any unused cardboard, cardboard boxes, cereal boxes, plastic bottles or any old food packaging from home! Can you please send in any unwanted household packaging that we could use for our junk modelling experiences over the next couple of weeks. Thank you.

Open Afternoon

Primary 5 invite you to join us in class for an Open Afternoon on Wednesday 15th January between 2-3pm! A selection of experiences linked to our new topic will be available to enjoy during this session. We look forward to seeing you all there.